Nutrient-dense baby greens in 7-10 days!

Welcome to Microgreens-Nutrient Powerhouses

The freshest greens imaginable

The fastest way to reclaim your nutrition

Have you heard about the life-hack that is GROWING MICROGREENS?

Microgreens are the baby versions (one step past sprouts) of any vegetable and they pack a COLOR, FLAVOR, and NUTRIENT punch!

Containing all the micro-nutrients of the full grown vegetable in a hyper condensed version (the vary definition of nutrient-DENSE), micronutrients provide the best way I can think of for growing your own nutrition regardless of where you live or how much space you have.

These babies don't mess around.

Containing all the micro-nutrients of the full grown vegetable in a hyper condensed version (the vary definition of nutrient-DENSE), micronutrients provide the best way I can think of for growing your own nutrition regardless of where you live or how much space you have.

* See the video for sources and a bigger list!

  • Microgreens may reduce LDL cholesterol*
  • Early studies into sulforaphane, a potent antioxidant found in cruciferious vegetable microgreens, has dramatic effects on some cancers, cardiovascular disease, and glucose modulation in insulin resistant
  • Multiple assays have found vitamin and mineral content in microgreens up to 10x their mature vegetable counterparts

Sources: https://microgreensworld.com/broccoli-microgreens-nutrition/










https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5362588/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0889157514001513

KC Gardens is now Sprout Culture

Alex Corey and Justin Gardner's commercial microgreens and edible flower farm is now merged with Sprout Culture to provide to Asheville, NC with the freshest and most nutritious greens possible.

Check out Sprout Culture and Jesah Segal's story and vision here.

Need Help Launching?

Are you starting a small microgreen's business to provide your community with the freshest microgreens? Microgreens are the perfect into into the growing community and farming world and one of the best for building business connections.

If you don't want to go through unnecessary growing pains, I offer a free 20 minute call and consulting packages with variety specific cheat sheets, materials, and advice from 5 years of commercial production.

How Can I Help You Grow?

Food sovereignty in a week!


Set yourself up for success with gear designed with micro growers in mind.


Save yourself micro-generations of headache playing with seeds, temperature, watering, and lighting. 5 years of mistakes for you to benefit from!

Buy Micros

Some people don’t have the time to grow for themselves! We are now partnered with Sprout Culture in Asheville, NC and are happy to deliver fresh micros to your door.

Tutorials - Grow Your Own

For yourself or business

Full Microgreens Playlist

True Leaf Market

Tutorials for Growing Yourself or Business

Seeds & Supplies

My favorite necessities for no-worry micro growing

I am proud to partner with True Leaf Market for my growing supplies!

High germination rates, free and fast shipping over $50


Kohlrabi-Purple Vienna

How can splitting the water molecule simplify growing?

  • 6.0 Ionized Water: Perfect micronutrient availability
  • 2.5 Hypochlorous Acid: Replaces most pesticides, anti-microbials, sanitation
  • H2 water: Molecular Hydrogen for salinity, stress tolerance, reduced transplant shock
  • 11.5: Improved germination rates via hyper-oxygen availability

Eliminate synthetic hormones, pesticides, pH buffers, sanitation products

Watch Below

Presented by Alex Corey for Evolution Era and AWC

Never buy synthetic chemicals again!

The main reason Alex Corey and Justin Gardner invested in medical-grade ionization, was to run a full commercial microgreens business without any other products

11.0 : Hacking Germination

Rapid germination (times cut in half on some of our microgreens tests from our resident farm (KC Gardens/Sprout Culture) due to increased water penetration (cluster size) and extra oxygen availability

11.0 is also a strong emulsifier used for pest control to both remove any natural fatty acids used as a deterent and directly sprayed onto soft bodies pests as well

6.0-8.5: Explosive Growth

With pH 6.0-8.5 water at your disposal, never buy another pH buffer and dump synthetic chemicals on your crop again.

Have the perfect hydration for micronutrient absorption PER CROP on tap every time you water. No more yo-yoing pH or over mineralizing to balance.

Drastically reduce growth time for short term plants (ie: microgreens, spring mix, radish, greens, etc)

Molecular Hydrogen is providing remarkable antioxidant capacity forplants

2.5 HOCL: Sanitize/Pest Control

Hypchlorous Acid is a massive game changer for keeping life under control in the green house. Utilize the power of non-toxic electrolyzed free chlorine

  • Fungicide (non-toxic)
  • Pesticide (including Mites!!)
  • Algae
  • Sanitize Equipment

Think horticultural vinegar, Xerotol, CL02, or H202 without the burn

Reduces MRSA, E. Coli, Staph, etc by 99.999%

In the sample above, a 30 sec exposure to 2.5 Hypochlorous acid produced from an Enagic Super501 neutralized 99.999% of

  • Staphylococcus aureas
  • Escherichia coli
  • Salmonella typhi
  • Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
  • Carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae

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Alexander Corey

Copyright (C) 2024 Cultivated Change, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

DISCLAIMER: Nothing on this page is to be construed as medical advice nor intended to diagnose, prescribe, or treat a medical condition. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.